• What We Do

    Come check out some of our regular Events and Celebrations! 

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    Meditation Escapes

    Meditation Escapes is a unique and rejuvenating experience that combines the power of meditation and the beauty of nature. This event is perfect for those who are looking for a peaceful and revitalizing escape from the stresses of daily life.

    During the event, participants will be guided through a series of meditation practices that are specifically designed to help you relax, unwind, and connect with the natural world around you. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, Meditation Escapes offers an opportunity to deepen your practice and experience the healing benefits of mindfulness.

    The event takes place in a beautiful and serene natural setting, allowing you to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and sensations of the outdoors. From gentle hikes to guided meditation sessions, each activity is designed to help you connect with nature and find inner peace.

    Join us for Meditation Escapes and experience the transformative power of meditation and nature. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life and discover a new sense of calm, clarity, and purpose.

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    Oracle Insights

    Oracle Insights is an enlightening and empowering event that offers participants the opportunity to connect with experienced oracle card readers and gain valuable insights and guidance on a range of topics. This event is perfect for anyone who is interested in exploring the world of oracle cards and receiving personalized readings.

    During the event, participants will have the opportunity to connect one-on-one with experienced oracle card readers who will provide insights and guidance on topics such as love, career, finances, and personal growth. Each reading is personalized and tailored to the individual, providing you with specific insights and guidance that can help you move forward with clarity and confidence.

    In addition to personalized readings, Oracle Insights also includes group discussions and workshops that explore the history and symbolism of oracle cards, different types of spreads, and how to interpret the cards in relation to specific questions or situations.

    Whether you are a seasoned oracle card reader or new to the world of divination, Oracle Insights is the perfect opportunity to connect with experienced readers, gain valuable insights, and explore the magic and wisdom of oracle cards.

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    Pagan Celebrations

    Pagan Celebrations is a joyful and enriching event that brings together people from all walks of life to celebrate the cycles of nature and honor the traditions of paganism. This event offers participants the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn about pagan beliefs and practices, and celebrate the changing seasons through ritual and ceremony.

    During the event, participants will take part in a range of activities, including group rituals, workshops, and discussions, led by experienced pagan practitioners. Each activity is designed to help you deepen your understanding of pagan traditions and connect with the natural world around you.

    Whether you are a seasoned pagan practitioner or new to the world of paganism, Pagan Celebrations is the perfect opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals, celebrate the cycles of nature, and honor the traditions of paganism. Join us for this inspiring and empowering event and discover the magic and wisdom of pagan traditions.

  • Meditation Escapes

    "Meditation Nature Escapes with Spiritual Medicine" is a transformative experience that combines the healing power of nature and the ancient wisdom of spiritual medicine. This immersive retreat invites participants to disconnect from the stresses of daily life and reconnect with their inner selves through guided meditation, yoga, and shamanic ceremonies. With the help of experienced facilitators and the healing energies of the natural world, participants can unlock deep insights, release emotional blockages, and tap into their true potential. This unique experience offers a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth and spiritual exploration, leaving attendees feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and empowered.


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    Natures Medicine Retreats

    Nature Medicine Retreats is a transformative and rejuvenating experience that offers a unique blend of nature-based therapies, traditional healing practices, and modern wellness techniques. Our retreats are designed to help individuals connect with nature, harness its healing power, and achieve a state of balance and harmony in their lives. During the retreat, participants immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the surrounding environment, engage in activities such as hiking, yoga, meditation, and various outdoor adventures. Our retreats also feature traditional healing practices such as plant medicine ceremonies, shamanic rituals, and energy healing sessions. We work with experienced and knowledgeable practitioners who bring a wealth of wisdom and expertise to the retreat. In addition, we offer workshops and classes on nutrition, mindfulness, and other wellness practices to help participants develop a holistic approach to their well-being. Our retreats are held in serene and scenic locations around the world, providing a unique opportunity for individuals to disconnect from the stress and distractions of everyday life and reconnect with their inner selves. At Nature Medicine Retreats, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment that supports personal growth, healing, and transformation.

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    Walk of Magic @ Lair o The Bear

    Come take a walk in a magic place! Lair o the Bear is home to more then just it's scenic views and wonderful scents. Lair o the bear is home to many different energies that you can catch if you know what your looking for! Take a walk with Wolf as he illuminates the way to the different energies an healing properties the land has to offer. Meditate by the river as Wolf as guides you through an energetic relase that will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the world!

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    Fire Escapes & Pleasure

    Rituals around the fire and good food are a time-honored tradition that brings people together, connecting them with nature and each other. Gathering around a blazing fire, sharing stories, and enjoying delicious food has been a part of human culture since the beginning of time. At its core, this tradition represents the fundamental human need for connection, community, and nourishment.

    In modern times, this tradition has evolved into various forms. Some people organize backyard bonfires, while others venture into the great outdoors and build a campfire. Regardless of the setting, the purpose remains the same: to gather around the fire and share in the experience of being human.

    Adding good food to the mix only enhances this experience. Cooking over an open flame brings out the natural flavors of food, and it is a reminder of our primal connection to the earth. Whether it is roasting marshmallows for s’mores, grilling hot dogs, or cooking up a hearty stew, the food becomes a part of the ritual, uniting people in a shared experience.

    Overall, rituals around the fire and good food are a way of celebrating life and connecting with the people around us. These experiences bring us back to our roots and remind us of the simple pleasures in life.

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    Blue Lotus Tea and Nature Walk

    Blue Lotus Tea and Nature Walk is a unique and rejuvenating experience that combines the natural beauty of the outdoors with the calming and soothing effects of Blue Lotus Tea. The Blue Lotus flower has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and is known for its therapeutic properties, including relaxation, stress relief, and improved mood.

    During the experience, participants are taken on a guided nature walk through a serene and picturesque landscape, where they can connect with the beauty of nature and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors. Along the way, they are invited to stop and steep Blue Lotus Tea, made from freshly harvested Blue Lotus flowers, and savor its unique flavor and calming effects.

    As they sip on the tea, participants are encouraged to take a moment to pause, relax, and reflect on their surroundings. The combination of the tea and nature walk creates a sense of peace and tranquility, allowing participants to let go of stress and anxiety and connect with the present moment.

    The experience is led by knowledgeable and experienced guides who share their expertise on the natural environment, the history of Blue Lotus tea, and the benefits of spending time in nature. It is a perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature and oneself.

  • Pagan Celebrations

    Show off your collection, meet other readers, ask questions, refine information as well as reading skills!

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    Ostara Celebration

    Ostara Celebration is a joyous and colorful event that celebrates the arrival of spring and the renewal of life. This event is steeped in pagan traditions and offers participants the opportunity to connect with the natural world and honor the changing seasons.

    During the event, participants will take part in a range of activities, including ritual and ceremony, workshops, and discussions. Each activity is designed to help you deepen your understanding of the pagan traditions associated with the spring equinox and connect with the natural world around you.

    One of the highlights of the Ostara Celebration is the egg hunt, a tradition that dates back to pagan times and symbolizes the rebirth and renewal of life. Participants will search for hidden eggs, which are decorated with colorful and intricate designs, and exchange them as a symbol of friendship and community.

    Whether you are a seasoned pagan practitioner or new to the world of paganism, Ostara Celebration is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, celebrate the arrival of spring, and honor the traditions of paganism. Join us for this inspiring and uplifting event and discover the magic and beauty of the changing seasons.

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    New Moon Ritual

    A new moon ritual is a spiritual practice where individuals come together to set intentions and manifest their desires for the upcoming lunar cycle. The new moon represents a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, making it the perfect opportunity to focus on personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation.

    The ritual typically involves a group gathering in a sacred space, often outdoors under the night sky or in a candlelit room. Participants may engage in various practices such as meditation, chanting, visualizations, or energy healing to align their energies with the lunar cycle and set their intentions for the month ahead.

    During the new moon ritual, participants may also use various tools such as crystals, tarot cards, or sage to cleanse and purify their energy fields and create a sacred space. The group may also engage in a guided meditation or visualization to help them connect with their inner selves and identify their deepest desires.

    At the end of the ritual, each participant may write down their intentions and place them on an altar or in a sacred space to symbolize their commitment to manifesting their desires. The group may then join in a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude for the blessings of the past and welcoming the new beginnings of the present.

    Overall, the new moon ritual is a powerful and transformative practice that helps individuals connect with their inner selves, set intentions for the future, and cultivate a deeper sense of spiritual awareness and consciousness.

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    Full Moon Ritual

    A full moon ritual is a spiritual practice that celebrates the energy and illumination of the full moon. The full moon represents a time of abundance, manifestation, and fruition, making it the perfect opportunity to release what no longer serves us and embrace the blessings of the present.

    During the ritual, individuals may gather in a sacred space, often outdoors under the radiant glow of the full moon or in a candlelit room. Participants may engage in various practices such as meditation, chanting, or energy healing to align their energies with the lunar cycle and connect with their inner selves.

    The full moon ritual may also involve the use of various tools such as crystals, tarot cards, or sage to cleanse and purify the energy field and create a sacred space. The group may also engage in a guided meditation or visualization to help them release any negative energy or emotions and embrace the blessings of the present.

    At the end of the ritual, each participant may write down what they want to release and let go of, and then burn it in the fire as a symbol of releasing it. The group may then join in a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude for the blessings of the past and welcoming the new beginnings of the present.

    Overall, the full moon ritual is a powerful and transformative practice that helps individuals connect with the energy of the full moon, release what no longer serves them, and embrace the abundance and blessings of the present moment.

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    Abundance and Love Gathering

    The Abundance and Love Gathering is a transformative event aimed at helping you unlock your full potential and lead a life full of joy, abundance, and love. This is a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from experienced coaches and mentors who will guide you towards a happier, more fulfilling life.

    During this gathering, you will participate in a variety of workshops, meditations, and group activities designed to help you identify and overcome limiting beliefs, cultivate a positive mindset, and tap into your inner wisdom. You will also learn practical tools and techniques for manifesting abundance and attracting more love into your life.

    Whether you are seeking to improve your relationships, career, health, or overall well-being, the Abundance and Love Gathering will provide you with the support and inspiration you need to achieve your goals and live your best life. Join us for this life-changing experience and discover the abundance and love that are already within you.

  • Oracle Insights

    Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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    Meet and Greet W. Cards

    The Meet and Greet with Tarot/Oracle Cards is a fun and interactive event that provides an opportunity to explore the mystical world of divination. This event is perfect for those who are new to tarot/oracle cards or those who are looking to expand their knowledge and connect with others who share their interests.

    During this event, you will have the chance to meet and greet with experienced tarot/oracle card readers who will offer you personalized readings and insights. You will also have the opportunity to learn about different types of decks, their meanings, and how to use them effectively.

    Whether you are seeking clarity, guidance, or simply a fun and uplifting experience, the Meet and Greet with Cards is the perfect opportunity to explore the world of divination and connect with like-minded individuals. Join us for this exciting event and discover the wisdom and magic that tarot and oracle cards have to offer.

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    Speed Reading

    Speed Readings is an exciting and unique event that combines the power of tarot/oracle cards with the fast-paced energy of speed dating. This event is perfect for those who are looking for a quick and fun way to gain insights and guidance from experienced tarot/oracle card readers.

    During the event, participants will have the opportunity to meet multiple tarot/oracle card readers in a speed-dating style format. Each reading will last a few minutes, providing you with quick and insightful guidance on a range of topics, such as love, career, finances, and personal growth.

    Whether you are seeking clarity, confirmation, or simply curious about what the cards have to say, Speed Readings with Wolf is the perfect opportunity to connect with experienced readers and gain valuable insights in a fun and fast-paced environment.

    Join us for this exciting event and discover the magic and wisdom that tarot/oracle cards can offer in just a few minutes!

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    Tarot Tips With Seari

    Tarot Tips with Seari is an informative and educational event that is perfect for anyone who is interested in learning more about the art of tarot reading. Led by experienced tarot reader Seari, this event provides valuable tips and insights on how to read tarot cards effectively.

    During the event, Seari will cover a range of topics, including the history and symbolism of tarot cards, different types of spreads, and how to interpret the cards in relation to specific questions or situations. She will also provide tips on how to develop your intuition and connect more deeply with the cards.

    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tarot reader, Tarot Tips with Seari is the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights into the world of tarot reading. Join us for this exciting event and discover the magic and wisdom that tarot cards have to offer!